Thursday, September 24, 2009

Homemade Sloppy Joes

This recipe is.  Sandwiches from Tod's Mom (Bonnie Rodgers). Once I had this, I never had a Manwich again. The ingredients may look a bit "redneck", but let this simmer for a day and you have a great comfort food!

1 to 1 1/2 pound ground beef (or turkey if you wish) browned and drained
1 C onion chopped
1/2 celery chopped
1/4 C green pepper chopped
2 Tab vinegar
1 Tab brown sugar
1 Tab Worcestershire Sauce
1 C ketchup
1/4 teas cayenne (Bonnie didn't use this)

Brown meat, drain, add remainder ingredients, simmer for at least 30 minutes. Crockpot works well too to allow the flavors to really co-mingle.  Makes about 8 sandwiches.  

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