Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chicken and Dumplings

In a big pot
Boil about 1 1/2 pounds of chicken on the bone, cover with water, plus a couple inches - this is a great recipe for those legs and thighs that are so cheap.
Remove the chicken from the water (now broth) after 30 minutes or so when it starts falling apart. Let it sit in colander a while until it's cool enough to handle, then de-bone. I use plastic food handling gloves from Sam's cuz I'm a wimp. You could always use canned broth and chicken, but I would not bother, it's not the same. Cut up chicken into bite size pieces, discard the bones and skin. Skim the grease off the broth before adding the chicken back. I put the "somewhat cooled" broth into a large gallon sized zip lock bag, set aside and cool. As the fat rises to the top, the zip lock bag can be held over the large pot, next to the sink. Snip the bottom of the bag while holding it over the pan. As the broth empties out into the pan, the fat layer gets closer to the opening, then transfer into the sink.
Dice an onion
Chop up 2-3 carrots, and add to the pot
2-3 pieces of celery chopped up
1/2 red pepper-optional but adds nice color chopped
1 Tablespoon of chopped garlic
1 Tablespoon of chicken soup base
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon sage
1 cup red wine
Add all the above ingredients to the soup except the 1 cup of red wine. Add the wine to a nice glass and sip while simmering the soup. Cooking with wine, it's called. Then prepare the dumplings…


Mix in a bowl:
1 1/2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
3/4 tsp sea salt
2 tsp baking powder
3 Tablespoons softened butter
3/4 cup milk
Cut together the first four ingredients. Then lightly stir together with the milk for soft dough!
Drop in 10-12 spoonfuls onto chicken stew.
Cook uncovered 10 minutes. Cover and cook 10 minutes longer. Make sure the soup is simmering, almost boiling. Mine stuck to the bottom of the pan, so there is a fine line not to burn it.

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